
Currently, ParallelAccelerator tries to compile Julia to C++, which puts some constraints on what can be successfully compiled and run:

  1. We only support a limited subset of Julia language features currently. This includes basic numbers and dense array types, a subset of math functions, and basic control flow structures. Notably, we do not support String types and custom data types such as records and unions, since their translation to C is difficult. There is also no support for exceptions, I/O operations (only very limited println), and arbitrary ccall. We also do not support keyword arguments.
  2. We do not support calling Julia functions from C++ in the optimized function. What this implies is that we transitively convert every Julia function in the call chain to C++. If any of them is not translated properly, the target function with @acc will fail to compile.
  3. We do not support Julia’s Any type in C++, mostly to defend against erroneous translation. If the AST of a Julia function contains a variable with Any type, our Julia-to-C++ translator will give up compiling the function. This is indeed more limiting than it sounds, because Julia does not annotate all expressions in a typed AST with complete type information. For example, this happens for some expressions that call Julia’s own intrinsics. We are working on supporting more of them if we can derive the actual type to be not Any, but this is still a work in progress.

At the moment ParallelAccelerator only supports the Julia-to-C++ back-end. We are working on alternatives that make use of Julia’s upcoming threading implementation that hopefully can alleviate the above mentioned restrictions, without sacrificing much of the speed brought by quality C++ compilers and parallel runtimes such as OpenMP.

Apart from the constraints imposed by Julia-to-C++ translation, our current implementation of ParallelAccelerator has some other limitations:

  1. We currently support a limited subset of Julia functions available in the Base library. However, not all Julia functions in Base are supported yet, and using them may or may not work in ParallelAccelerator. For supported functions, we rely on capturing operator names to resolve array related functions and operators to our API module. This prevents them from being inlined by Julia which helps our translation. For unsupported functions such as mean, Julia’s typed AST for the program that contains mean becomes a lowered call that is basically the low-level sequential implementation which cannot be handled by ParallelAccelerator. Of course, adding support for functions like mean is not a huge effort, and we are still in the process of expanding the coverage of supported APIs.
  2. ParallelAccelerator relies heavily on full type information being available in Julia’s typed AST in order to work properly. Although we do not require user functions to be explicitly typed, it is in general a good practice to ensure the function that is being accelerated can pass Julia’s type inference without leaving any arguments or internal variables with an Any type. There is currently no facility to help users understand whether something is being optimized or silently rejected. In the future, we plan to provide such functionality to give users better insight into what is going on under the hood.